Saturday, February 14, 2009

Final Days

Friday, February 13, 2009
Sunday looks good for departure.
This is the 47th day of the voyage and the 56th day aboard ship. I shall try to conjure up something to write tonight, but I must warn: my mind is elsewhere. Still, Carpenter needs his story told, and we need to revisit Raul, Dennis, Cooper, Claire, and the others. We can’t just leave them in limbo, or should we?

Sunday Morning, February 15, 2009

49th Day. These are rough seas, with a low pressure storm coming off Africa. We are located 33° 35.3’ South and 16° 37.9 East. Our stopping point is seven miles east of Cape Town at 33° 52’ South and 19° 14’ East, which is only 84 NM. We’ll be there in a few hours, and my departure flight is 23 hours from now. I’ll be home Monday, but wishing I could have remained another week or two on this and the European Continents. Maybe, if we bring the 8501 around the Cape of Good Hope, then I’ll be here again, and continue on. However, it is a long time since I was home, and I’ll be glad to be there and hope to see as many of you as I can. Next up for me is Singapore (unless the company changes its mind again). This is the last journal entry for awhile, but I intend to continue writing, and if you wish, continue to mail it to you. So, a saying (anon. as far as I know) and the final verse of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner:

Home is the hunter,

Home from the hill,

And the sailor

Home from the sea.

“He went like one who hath been stunned,

And is of sense forlorn:

A sadder and a wiser man

He rose the morrow morn.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to look up the "Home is the hunter" quote and found a poem by A. E. Housman in memory of Robert Lewis Stevenson. Some attributed the quote to RLS.
